We, Ukrainians, are different, but what unites us is Ukraine and our fight for freedom. For the global peace. For the right to be who you want to be and defend your home wherever you are.
603,628 reasons in total — just as the area of independent Ukraine.
Here, every kilometer tells about amazing people, ancient past, and shared future. We defend everything we love. We stand to the death when we are fighting for the value of life. Everyone in Ukraine dreams about victory — the victory of life, dignity, freedom. From the Chernihiv region to Crimea, from the Donetsk region to the Zakarpattia region. We are all united to win.
Explore countless stories about what we are
fighting for — Ukraine and Ukrainians.
The most valuable thing is always people. They are entirely different, each with their history and dreams. Open, sincere, free. And also — principled and fearless. With the Ukrainian flag in hand against enemy tanks, with an irresistible faith in peace and victory. We are fighting here for peace for Ukraine and the world — and we will win.
More about the Kherson regionKyiv
We know who we are and where we go. The spirit of free people who explored the world a thousand years ago and the spirit of inventors who create the new future for humanity are in our blood. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are intertwined to build a better world.
More about KyivPoltava
Ukrainian people have always been unstoppable creators — both centuries ago and now. We create art, we invent art, and we protect art from being destroyed, forgotten, stolen. Our culture is the memory of generations no one can take from us.
More about the Poltava regionLviv
East and West, North and South — together. Many of us lost our home but found a new one. Many of us are hundreds of kilometers away now but we bring light to the places where we are. Despite everything, we unite countries and continents for the sake of peace.
More about the Lviv regionZaporizhzhia
Ukrainians say freedom is our religion — for ages. Ukrainians say freedom is the biggest value. Ukrainians say they defend the freedom of the whole world — and that’s true, that’s what we feel and what forms our spirit. We don’t take it for granted, we are fighting for it.
More about the Zaporizhzhia regionVinnytsia
There were many attempts to ban, deny, and repress them. But they never succeed, as Ukrainian tradition never have been only a formality. They represent our origin, our land, our family, and our soul. Unique and diverse, ancient and new, but Ukrainian forever.
More about the Vinnytsia RegionCrimea
Our power is in our voice. Today we are speaking, screaming, whispering, singing about the victory of Ukraine to make it closer. So that the dearest ones can find the way home again. So that we can be ourselves on our land. So that Ukraine remains as we love it. That’s what we are fighting for.
More about CrimeaChernivtsi
Ukraine is millions of different faces. We have various origins but shared and time-tested values. Our memories won’t fade, our culture won’t disappear, and the heritage of our past will always prove that being a free human is the right thing to choose.
More about the Chernivtsi regionCherkasy
Words are weapons too, we know it for sure. That’s because the Ukrainian language was banned and limited numerous number of times. No matter what, it has always been in our books, streets of big and small cities, and revolutionary squares. Where it’s loud — and where it’s calm. Where people continue to fight for peace — and where they have already paid for it with own life.
More about the Cherkasy regionDonetsk
Today, every person, every city, every village in Ukaine is fighting for the right to be. We are fighting for something valued by millions on all continents — for the shared peaceful future and for life. Well, and life will always overcome death, while peace will always overcome war.
This is Ukraine
We are fighting for future here
Here we create technologies that change the world