High quality education
Low tuition fees
An easy admissions process
Dual and joint degree programs
Face-to-face and remote study formats
Necessary safety measures
A wide variety of study opportunities await you in Ukraine, along with dual and joint degree programs and student exchange opportunities. Take a look at some of the most popular ones, then check out the full list to find something to your liking.
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Are you ready to elevate your career and become a leader who influences global change? A fully funded Ukrainian scholarship offers more than an opportunity to study abroad!
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Don’t know Ukrainian yet? Consider that more than 90 universities in Ukraine offer study programs in English.
Adapting to a wartime reality, many of them have relocated within Ukraine or even opened offices in neighboring countries to provide a safer educational environment. Moreover, many offer online education!
Here are the top Ukrainian universities to consider!
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OK, so you’ve decided to choose Ukrainian universities to study! The time for bureaucracy has arrived. Oh wait! There is no bureaucracy – just a few steps. You can even enrol remotely!
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